Romanian Technical Communication for Alcatel OmniPCX Office, all releases, from October 2006


The values to configure for a 170ms/170ms Busy Tone Detection are the following:


BTDMaxWOff              => 21 00

BTDMaxWOn              => 17 00

BTDMinWOff               => 14 00

BTDMinWOn               => 0A 00

BuTSiDtPar                 => modify the 5th byte to 05 (xx xx xx xx 05 xx xx ...)

MinBusySeq               => 04 00 or 05 00, this must be tested on site and eventually increased to 06 00 or 07 00 (03 00 default).



-   Modifications of "BuTSiDtPar" requires a warm start to take the new value into account

-   All the modifications are lost after a cold start.



50 00; 46 00; 1E 00; 14 00