Telefoane IP Alcatel-Lucent PREMIUM DeskPhones :
Alcatel-Lucent 8028 PREMIUM DeskPhone

- Display 64 x 128 pixels, black & white, white backlight
- Navigator: 4 way navigation + OK + Cancel
- Function Keys: On/Off hook
- Dial Pad, mute with Led
- volume keys +/-
- Hands-free with Led
- 2 personal Keys/Led
- Redial
- Info & message with Led
- Alphabetic Keyboard
- RJ-45 LAN : Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000
Alcatel-Lucent 8038 PREMIUM DeskPhone

- Display 100 x 160 pixels, 4 grey level, white backlight
- Navigator: 4 way navigation + OK + Cancel
- Function Keys: On/Off hook
- Dial Pad, mute with Led
- volume keys +/-
- Hands-free with Led
- 2 personal Keys/Led
- Redial
- Info & message with Led
- Alphabetic Keyboard
- RJ-45 LAN : Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000
Alcatel-Lucent 8068 PREMIUM DeskPhone

- Display 240 x 320 pixels, 1/4 VGA, 16,7 M colors, backlight
- Navigator: 4 way navigation + OK + Cancel
- Function Keys: On/Off hook
- Dial Pad, mute with Led
- volume keys +/-
- Hands-free with Led
- 2 personal Keys/Led
- Redial
- Info & message with Led
- Alphabetic Keyboard
- RJ-45 LAN : Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000
Alcatel-Lucent 8068 BT PREMIUM DeskPhone (Bluetooth handset)

- Display 240 x 320 pixels, 1/4 VGA, 16,7 M colors, backlight
- Navigator: 4 way navigation + OK + Cancel
- Function Keys: On/Off hook
- Dial Pad, mute with Led
- volume keys +/-
- Hands-free with Led
- 2 personal Keys/Led
- Redial
- Info & message with Led
- Alphabetic Keyboard
- RJ-45 LAN : Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000
Receptor Alcatel 8 & 9 series: 40xx

Receptoare pentru telefoane digitale si IP Alcatel 8 & 9 series 4008,4018,4019,4028,4029,4038,4039,4068
Receptor Alcatel seria Reflexes: 4004,4010,4020,4035

Receptoare pentru telefoane digitale Alcatel din gama Reflexes
Telefoane IP ALCATEL Reconditionate :
Alcatel 4008 IP Touch- reconditionat

- Display cu 1x20 caractere
- Hands Free
- Difuzor extern
- 6 taste programabile si bi-directional
- Standard handset
- 1 port Ethernet 10/100 Mb
- Compatibil descarcare soft din centrala
Alcatel 4018 IP Touch- reconditionat

- Display cu 1x20 caractere
- 6 taste programabile si bi-directional
- Difuzor extern
- Hands Free
- Calitate deosebita a auditiei in difuzor si a semnalului in microfon
- Microreceptor Confort
- 2 porturi Ethernet 10/100 Mb
- Compatibil descarcare soft din centrala
Alcatel 4028 IP Touch- reconditionat

- Display grafic ajustabil alb/negru:
64 x 128 pixeli
70 x 38 mm
- 6 taste soft si navigator cu 4 directii
- Tastatura alfabetica
- Hands Free
- Calitate deosebita a auditiei in difuzor si a semnalului in microfon
- Microreceptor Confort
- Mufa jack ptr. casca
- Suporta aplicatii XML
- 2 porturi Ethernet 10/100/1000
- Compatibil descarcare soft din centrala
Alcatel 4038 IP Touch- reconditionat

- Display grafic ajustabil - 4 niveluri de gri
100 x 160 pixeli
78 x 51 mm
- 10 taste soft si navigator cu 4 directii
- Tastatura alfabetica
- Hands Free
- Calitate deosebita a auditiei in difuzor si a semnalului in microfon
- Microreceptor Confort
- Mufa jack ptr. casca
- Suporta aplicatii XML
- 2 porturi Ethernet 10/100/1000 Mb
- Compatibil descarcare soft din centrala
Alcatel 4068 IP Touch- reconditionat

- Display ajustabil color (4096 culori)
240 x 320 pixeli
73,5 x 55,6 mm
- 10 taste soft si navigator cu 4 directii
- Tastatura alfabetica
- Conectivitate Bluetooth 1.2
- Hands Free
- Calitate deosebita a auditiei in difuzor si a semnalului in microfon
- Microreceptor Confort
- Mufa jack ptr. casca
- Suporta aplicatii XML
- 2 porturi Ethernet 10/100/1000
- Compatibil descarcare soft din centrala
Alcatel Easy 4010 Ip Phone- reconditionat

- Display cu 20 caractere
- 8 taste programabile
- Taste LED
- tastatura alfanumerica 12 taste
- Tasta LED de mesaj
- Meniu Help
- Posibilitate montare pe perete
- Nu include alimentator
Alcatel Premium 4020 / 4022F IP Phone- reconditionat

- Display cu 20 caractere
- Transmitere mesaje scrise
- 12 taste programabile
- Handsfree / loudspeaker
- 10 Taste cu LED
- Tasta LED de mesaj
- Meniu Help
- Agenda telefonica 100 numere
- Posibilitate utilizare ca telefon operator
- Nu include alimentator
Alcatel Advanced 4035 / 4037F IP Phone- reconditionat

- Display cu 40 caractere
- Tasta de navigare si selectie
- Transmitere mesaje scrise
- 24 taste programabile
- Handsfree / loudspeaker
- 7 Taste cu LED
- Tasta LED de mesaj
- Meniu Help
- Agenda telefonica 100 numere
- Tastatura Alfanumerica
- Posibilitate utilizare ca telefon operator
- Nu include alimentator
Linksys SPA921

- Volum speaker
- Volum sonerie
- Redial
- Hold
- 1 x RJ45
Alimentator telefon IP Alcatel

- Alimentator 42V, 150mA pentru toate modelele de telefoane IP